clay candles

today my class made clay canles but it was really hard because  mine ceppt on falling a prat and I did not finsh it soI will have to finsh it a nover day and evry time Iam gowing to put in the pattens it falls aprt and it is really really  anyoing   and I fell like qwitting a lot of the time.this is it.


Today I came in late and I help with bacing up at the school house and I could not go in a group with any body so I went with whia cindy I peald orngegs in till the white bit en then I mixed it up and whia cindy  put more stofe in and then I mixed it up agen then my class came doun to the class and we are cooking them and eating them and thay will be yummy and we are makeing pankakes it was a bit hard to make and Iknow that adding the frute is really good because it is going to be helfy.2024 august 7th 10:16A

My Song

I made this song for fun and to make you have a haedake sorry

fun arts

the bottom one is Milly and the top one is Sid. They are my dogs and I hope you like my make ups and I love to youse remove bg and I do not like to fing the photos.